
Doll House Resources

Roomboxes Etc. – Modern roomboxes, lights, and furniture, custom built.

Roomboxes Etc. Peter Tucker makes unique roomboxes, furniture and lights with an emphasis on modern designs and styles. His work has been featured in Miniature Collector, Dollhouse Miniatures, Doll House and Miniature scene, and more.

New England Miniatures …where there’s always something new!

Our aim is to give you small town personal service, and make your online shopping experience with us the next best thing to being here in person.

Custom Doll House – Thousands of doll houses and doll house miniatures.

Specializing in assembly and customization, we offer thousands of doll houses, miniatures, kits, electrics, accessories and supplies. Everyday low prices and great service.  Up to 30% off doll houses and free shipping on qualified orders.


Download CAD drafted plans to scratch build your own dollhouse shell.

Doll houses – Miniature Furniture – Porcelain Dolls

Doll houses you build yourself. Great Selection of dollhouse miniature furniture,dolls and kids costumes.>Doll houses – Miniature Furniture – Porcelain Dolls.

NAME – The National Association of Miniature Enthusiasts

The National Association of Miniature Enthusiasts was founded in 1972 by Allegra Mott to promote the craft of miniature making through the association and friendship of its artisans, craftsmen and collectors. NAME is an educational, non-profit organization dedicated to the miniature collector and builder through sharing ideas and experiences among its members. Our goal is to link people of like minds in order to share our love of the hobby that captivates us